Last Updated: 3.24.20–5:18pm EST
This is a serious moment. COVID19 is taking lives and causing dangerous illness all around the world. The speed and scope have caught many of us by surprise, and the secondary effects appear likely to be significant.
In the face of this challenge, we can all take steps to improve outcomes for our loved ones, our neighbors, and ourselves. We update this guide regularly to reflect ongoing coverage, actionable advice, and reliable resources to help us all stay safe, informed, and supported.
We wish you and your families good luck, good health, and good cheer in this difficult time.
Social Distancing, Sheltering in Place, and Quarantine
As the early days of this situation unfold, the safest thing to do is minimize your interactions with people outside your home. Limit trips to necessities only.
If you can work from home, do so. If you can’t, take precautions in your interactions with others-try to remain six feet apart from those nearby, wash your hands frequently, and refrain from touching your face and hair as much as possible.
If you’re feeling ill, stay home. Try to maintain distance from others in the living space-use a spare bedroom and bathroom if you can. If anyone in your home is sick, the whole family (or other group of cohabitants) should institute a quarantine together for at least 14 days.
It’s tough to do, but try to practice distancing from your pets, too. They can carry the droplets by which the virus moves from person to person.
Home Cleaning
Surfaces that get touched often should be cleaned each day. This includes countertops, cookware, doorknobs, sinks, toilets, railings, light switches, remote controls and furniture.
Wearing gloves if possible, give these high-touch surfaces a gentle wash with soap and water, then take another pass with antimicrobial disinfectant wipes or spray if you have them.
If you run low on cleaning products, you may be able to make your own sanitizer and soap from raw ingredients.
We’re still learning about how long COVID19 lasts on surfaces, but one study suggests the range may stretch from hours on some materials, like copper and aluminum, to at least several days on others, like glass, wood, plastic, and metal.
Home Stocking
Without hoarding unnecessarily large stashes, it’s a good idea to stock up on some staples. Dried beans and rice make a good starting point. Canned fish, quinoa, oats, and pasta are good, too. If you have access to frozen goods, pick some up to keep greens like spinach, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts in your diet when fresh options are unavailable.
Many supermarkets and even online retailers are experiencing limited supplies right now, but as the initial surge fades, more goods will become available. Stay calm and work with what you have. If you don’t have all the supplies or emergency gear you need, take a moment when you can to fill in those gaps.
Keep an eye out ahead of time for shortages in other essential areas like cleaning and hygiene products-it might take a few days to get something you could usually dash out and buy quickly.
Safety Note: If possible, secure a one to three month supply of any needed medications.
Coronavirus Home Care
Call a Doctor
If someone in your home is sick, contact their health provider immediately and follow all advice rigorously. If the person’s symptoms are mild, their doctor will likely advise them to stay home. If their symptoms are severe, the person may need hospital care.
Socially Separate
Get any folks who are under the weather set up comfortably in their own room as much as possible, and try not to share a bathroom or other common spaces with them. Limit or prevent any visitors, avoid shared contact with household goods, and keep pets separate from anyone experiencing symptoms.
If they can, people experiencing symptoms should wear some kind of face mask to limit the chance of spread. A person’s risk of spreading the virus by air appears to be low, provided no one spends sustained time within six feet of them.
Keep Things Warm and (Relatively) Humid
If possible, keep the heat running on the higher side-the virus may be less likely to spread in warmer areas with higher humidity. Most viruses, though not all, struggle to survive in a humidity of 65%, but can last longer in lower or higher humidities.
Keep the Fluids Flowing
The CDC recommends keeping patients well hydrated to support their natural defenses.
Cut Out Any Smoking
This is a respiratory illness, so any activities that hurt the lungs can contribute to potentially dangerous outcomes.
Prefer Acetaminophen
Several health authorities initially recommended avoiding using ibuprofen for coronavirus symptoms, but the details of this issue are not yet clear. Tylenol (acetaminophen) should be safe for those who can take it, up to 3,000 mg/day.
Bed Rest and Natural Remedies
As of yet, there’s no official treatment for COVID-19, so the main focus of care is keeping the airways clear and supporting the body’s regular healing process. Anyone feeling sick should stay in bed when possible, drink plenty of fluids, and manage their symptoms as they would with a cold or flu.
Watch for Worsening Symptoms
If things take a turn for the worse, it may be critical to seek professional care. Pay close attention to coughing, fevers, and any shortness of breath, and seek immediate medical attention if you see emergency signs like trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, or bluish lips and face.
Reach Out
This is a tense time for the whole world. Get in contact with your family and friends and keep up those lines of communication. We’ll all feel better, and be better able to help those with acute needs.
Our Coverage
Our Home Preparation Guide lays out the basics to get in place.
Our Face Mask Guide describes a simple homemade variety of protection.
If you’re looking for things to do while you’re home, start with this guide to Indoor DIYs, these game boards, or this homemade cornhole set.
Our Videos
When Should You Be Tested for the Coronavirus? How to Be Productive and Helpful While Still Practicing Social Distancing Best Way to Keep Your Body and Surfaces Sanitized from Coronavirus How to Know if Your Symptoms are Allergies or the Coronavirus
Partner Sites
Preparation Dos and Donts Coronavirus Symptoms Latest News Latest News COVID-19 Overview Mortality Rate Tips for Small Medical Practices Coronavirus CPR Update Pollution Worsens Coronavirus Impact on Emissions Mask Disposal National Parks You Can Tour Digitally Plastic Ban Reversals Venice Canals Inhabitat Videos Illegal Wild Animal Wet Markets Spread Diseases Like Coronavirus 5 Ways You Can Help Those in Need Even While Quarantined Anti Pollution Face Masks Experimental Testing Kit Distance Wedding Planning Wedding Cancellation
Medical Resources
How to Protect Yourself What to Do if You Think You’re Sick Detailed Cleaning Guidelines Home Plan Checklist Red Cross Safety Tips Mayo Clinic General Info Patients With Cancer Massachusetts General Hospital General Info Frequently Asked Questions Johns Hopkins General Info Social Distancing Global Impact Map
Originally published at on March 19, 2020.